Meet the Reptiles
Here are some of the animals you may see at Snakes Alive!
Daisy is an amelanistic albino burmese python. Burmese pythons come from Southeast Asia.
Daisy is the star of Snakes Alive programs. She has been held by thousands of kids and adults alike. She is very friendly and loves to give hugs!
Currently, Daisy is 15 feet long and weighs over 100 lbs but she can grow to over 20 feet long.
Myrtle and Donatello are box turtles.
Look closely at their eyes. Can you see a difference? Donatello has red eyes because he is a male turtle. Myrtle has brown eyes because she is a female.
These are Eastern box turtles. There are several subspecies of box turtles throughout the United States.
Janga is a hybrid snake, called a jungle jaguar carpet python.
She is a cross between a jungle python and a carpet python, both of which come from Australia.
If you look closely at Janga's pattern on her side, you will see the letters "HI". Janga loves to say "HI" to everyone at the shows.

Goldilocks is a beautiful goldust corn snake.
Corn snakes come from the southern United States.
She was bred at the Snakes Alive facility.

Noah the Boa is a boa constrictor.
Boa constrictors come from Central and South America.
Noah is 6 feet long and weighs about 25 pounds.
He is very strong but also very friendly!

Leo is a leopard gecko
Leopard geckos come from India and Pakistan and come in a variety of colors.
Leo is very curious and friendly.

Pokemon is a bearded dragon.
Bearded dragons come from Australia.
Pokemon is very friendly and likes to be petted down his spine, but watch out! If you pet him up his spine, he can feel very pokey!
Pablo is a pueblan milk snake.
Pueblan milk snakes come from Mexico.
They mimic coral snakes but here is a poem to help you remember which is which.....
If red touches yellow, you're a dead fellow.
If red touches black, you're ok Jack.
Sheilah is a blue tongued skink.
Blue tongued skinks come from Australia and you can see why she is called a blue tongued skink.
Nemo is an amelanistic albino Honduran milk snake.
He comes from Honduras and because he is amelanistic, he has no black or brown pigment. All the colors on this snake are reversed. Albinos have pink eyes.

Slinky is a European legless lizard. He comes from Russia.
He can grow to be four feet long. This is the largest species of legless lizard.
His tail can break off and regenerate to escape predators.